Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Friday, May 6, 2011

My heart won't change

Sorry for what wat i've done
M fault
Once i get rid of you from my heart and mind, i will owez think of u
But it takes me a year or more for me to get rid of me
Watever memories we hav before
I will treasured it
Good or bad
It reali meant for me
What happen btwn us
Mayb we're not meant for each other
We're frens
But m gonna miss what we've been thru
But i dont think u remember everythg we've been thru
its just a bad memories for ya
Whether its bad or good, it will something i nd to keep and make it as lesson
Thanx for everythg
I knw u love me
Sometimes time will reveal everythg btwn us
I always made u upset
But one thing
I will never break my promises
all the memories we've been thru
It will always on my mind
Good luck 
Every stories u hav told me
i remember everythg
just tht u never realize
both of us nvr realize
we're on the wrong path
Hope ur dreams come true
Wateva on ur mind right now
hope it is a positive one
I wont go ur way anymore
coz m more a burden to u before
i love and like u unconditionally
i dont care bout ur money and ur past
i knw all bout ur past
i knw....
just tht m still shock that a guy like me
its 2 good 2 b true
I don't deserve you coz i hurt u so much and make u confused

Now i know when it comes to love 
nothing is right or wrong
it happens when u least expect it

oh well, let it flow...........
gonna find sum1 one day but wont find some1 like u...


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