Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I love you MOM!!~~~

I love you mum
You are my greatest gift of all
Sorry if i've done wrong to mum
I know i did it all the time
I never hear what u r trying to say
From the start when i was a small and tiny..haha
when i cry, u hold me and ask me not to cry
yet m still crying and crying
actually i dont understand what mummy trying too say
she's patient when i want to b feed at night
you will do anythg to keep me happy and safe
that is what mum do
when m sleepy
u will hold me and sing a nursery rhymes to me
then i fell asleep
no wonder i love music so much
been exposed to ''what is music when m still a baby back then''
as i get taller n bigger
i know how to talk n walk on my own but still i need them
this is the time when m v naughty
very very
i go to playground n playing around
n then my mum scolded me
i hate her but then think wisely
she scolded n beat me not coz she hates me
coz she loves me
she wants me to become a good girl 

a few years then
i grew up
i know how to evaluate n making decision
its just a beginning 
this is the medium stage
i chose any frens i wan to b with
when i wanna study
its up to me
she never force to do anythg i dont wanna do
this time, feels like she wants me to make up my own decision
but its just a beginning
when i have problems and difficulties
she will be there with me and hold my hand
tell me, ''u need to b strong''
when i finish my high school years
this is a big challenges come
i hav to choose what i wanna b 
this decision will affect my future
been thru tears n smile
finally i choose what i wan for my future
i wanna b a pharmacist

again, i go to a new environment
something new,
 different n challenging
i went to a new place 
all alone, by myself
this time
m all by my own
this is the hardest one
i have to do everythg on my own
i dont even know anyone that surrounds
all of em are strangers
as time passes by
i meet many frens
but m proud of myself coz m strong enuf to stand on my own even tho my family arent by my side
sometimes u gotta have faith n believe in urself
everythg happens for a reason
no matter how bad ur situation is
there will always a way to solve it

Now m a bit nearer to my family
a place where its easier from me to go back to my hometown
i've been thru many things
i think my life is so stupid
but when i think again
its just a beginning
i havent become a mum yet
when i become a mum
i will know how my mum feels right now n back when i was a small little tiny girl

u are my greatest of all in life
and becoming is the greatest gift for me when it is time
but now its time for me to b a student n chase my dreams first
when i become a mum
i wan b the greatest mum
its a great responsibility give by God
thanx mummy
bcoz of u
i can stand on my own firmly
bcoz of u
m born to rhis world
n thanx again
u bring n keep me safe inside ur wimb for 9 months
thats one of the biggest sacrifice a mum did to their precious prince n princess
when everyone have the opportunities to become a mum
never be afraid
b proud of urself

I love you MUM n happy Mother's day to every mum in this world...
I'm proud of all of mums out there!! 

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