Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Messed up

Everythg happn for a reason
i guess m finally free from u
but i wish i can hear one explaination frm u
is it coz i wan 2 end things btwn us or is it just u get bored of me
but now i know who change

I guess when u wan me back again..
i need a thousand of reason why u want me back
ur ego make us apart
tell me what do wanna hear from me
then i'll tell u
u said u love me b4 bt now not anymore
what the hell ur trying to do 2 me anyway
m not a doll or a barbie for ya to play
m just a girl who wants a guy to love just the way she is
u said u need time
i give u time
bt u give me zero
i said i need time 2 but u think the other way round
u wan me to trust u
but u never trust me
how can u ever gain a trust from me if u never trust me

What goes around, comes around

ur 2 kind 2 ur frens and every1 till u 4got wat u want in ur life
grow up please, not everythg can b paid with kindness or reward when ur kind 2 ppl
u might end up get urself hurt
when u get hurt
u blame others
please, u shud have blame on urself
ur older than me, u shud knw what u reli wan n think more mature than i do
but ur not
ur just like a kid to me

Grow up!!

I guess u laugh when i begged on u
when i say i wan 2 end everythg, i didnt meant
my heart very cold and tears fall from my eyes
but i cant move backwards coz nothing can change 
but hope one day u realize that i never want 2 make ur heart confused
sorry if i did
coz ur my 1st
but in the end u never understd
u said i never understd u but actually i do undrstd u
its u who messed and never realize that
m honest to u but when i c ur eyes
lies a thousand secrets in ur eyes
i know ur lies
but i never wan to know ur past
past is past
present is present
ur the one messed up
not me

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