Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Now & Then

He said
You should have reject me from the start
I said
There's a reason why i never did so
He said
We should just stay as best fren or fren
I said 
I want u to stay as my dear
He said
M gonna make ur life miserable if you stay with me
I said
U never make my life miserable, u make me smile :)
I said
Why do you love me?
He said
I love you just the way you are & because you're different from others
He said
Why do love me?
I said
I love you just the way you are
He said
How can you prove ur love to me?
I said
<kiss him> i love u unconditionally
He said
It's God's love to his beloved sheperds
I said
There's no differents
He said
I said
When you love someone, there's no prove, by words or physical contact
Love happens naturally
He said
What do you expect from me?
I said
I want you to love me, only me, no one else, just me and honesty
He said
To be in a relationship, there must be trust in a relationship, without trust, the relationship won't work
I said
I guess but do trust is the only thing we need in a relationship?
He said
I said
I'm afraid that one day you will break my heart
He said
I can't guarantee you bout this
I said
He said
I don't know, hard to say, i might or might not be...gonna break your heart someday

There goes again
He said
Why do you love me?
I said
If i don't love you, i will never let you hold, kiss and be with you right now
He said
Why do you still choose me even tho u know my past?
I said
Past is past, there's nothing u can do with past, everyone makes mistakes and have their own past stories

He said
U will always be my best frens
I said
OK!! [deep inside of me says, i cant accept this reality}

But now, it's for the best of us
If we're meant to be, we will get back together again....

Better for now

Better for now
But m gonna miss we've had gone thru b4
Whatever happens, let it be then
I guess there's a reason why it happens
for now, m feeling guilty of everyone
sory if i drag you guys into this matter
i never meant to do so
somehow, i know u care bout me
there's a part of me saying
i do need u but not every time
i need my lonely time to think to think what u've said
and i will make my own decision
thanx! i really appreciate
me and him
we're just best fren
people says this and that bout him
but i have my own opinion bout him
i dont care what others said bout him
i know he might be a bad boy
but deep inside of me says
he never touch me unless i let him did that
dont ever judge someone from the outside
never let ur problems get into other people problems
u might make things worse
there's always a choice
even tho u know it might be the wrong one
u still choose it
coz deep inside u says maybe it's the right choice
the best things u can do to urself is
listen to ur own heart
i guess there's a reason why i like him
instead of hating him
just like my 1st impression on him
never hate someone
coz u might end up liking him
there's nothing to say between me and him
i prefer our relationship for now
me, him, best fren!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I love you MOM!!~~~

I love you mum
You are my greatest gift of all
Sorry if i've done wrong to mum
I know i did it all the time
I never hear what u r trying to say
From the start when i was a small and tiny..haha
when i cry, u hold me and ask me not to cry
yet m still crying and crying
actually i dont understand what mummy trying too say
she's patient when i want to b feed at night
you will do anythg to keep me happy and safe
that is what mum do
when m sleepy
u will hold me and sing a nursery rhymes to me
then i fell asleep
no wonder i love music so much
been exposed to ''what is music when m still a baby back then''
as i get taller n bigger
i know how to talk n walk on my own but still i need them
this is the time when m v naughty
very very
i go to playground n playing around
n then my mum scolded me
i hate her but then think wisely
she scolded n beat me not coz she hates me
coz she loves me
she wants me to become a good girl 

a few years then
i grew up
i know how to evaluate n making decision
its just a beginning 
this is the medium stage
i chose any frens i wan to b with
when i wanna study
its up to me
she never force to do anythg i dont wanna do
this time, feels like she wants me to make up my own decision
but its just a beginning
when i have problems and difficulties
she will be there with me and hold my hand
tell me, ''u need to b strong''
when i finish my high school years
this is a big challenges come
i hav to choose what i wanna b 
this decision will affect my future
been thru tears n smile
finally i choose what i wan for my future
i wanna b a pharmacist

again, i go to a new environment
something new,
 different n challenging
i went to a new place 
all alone, by myself
this time
m all by my own
this is the hardest one
i have to do everythg on my own
i dont even know anyone that surrounds
all of em are strangers
as time passes by
i meet many frens
but m proud of myself coz m strong enuf to stand on my own even tho my family arent by my side
sometimes u gotta have faith n believe in urself
everythg happens for a reason
no matter how bad ur situation is
there will always a way to solve it

Now m a bit nearer to my family
a place where its easier from me to go back to my hometown
i've been thru many things
i think my life is so stupid
but when i think again
its just a beginning
i havent become a mum yet
when i become a mum
i will know how my mum feels right now n back when i was a small little tiny girl

u are my greatest of all in life
and becoming is the greatest gift for me when it is time
but now its time for me to b a student n chase my dreams first
when i become a mum
i wan b the greatest mum
its a great responsibility give by God
thanx mummy
bcoz of u
i can stand on my own firmly
bcoz of u
m born to rhis world
n thanx again
u bring n keep me safe inside ur wimb for 9 months
thats one of the biggest sacrifice a mum did to their precious prince n princess
when everyone have the opportunities to become a mum
never be afraid
b proud of urself

I love you MUM n happy Mother's day to every mum in this world...
I'm proud of all of mums out there!! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

My heart won't change

Sorry for what wat i've done
M fault
Once i get rid of you from my heart and mind, i will owez think of u
But it takes me a year or more for me to get rid of me
Watever memories we hav before
I will treasured it
Good or bad
It reali meant for me
What happen btwn us
Mayb we're not meant for each other
We're frens
But m gonna miss what we've been thru
But i dont think u remember everythg we've been thru
its just a bad memories for ya
Whether its bad or good, it will something i nd to keep and make it as lesson
Thanx for everythg
I knw u love me
Sometimes time will reveal everythg btwn us
I always made u upset
But one thing
I will never break my promises
all the memories we've been thru
It will always on my mind
Good luck 
Every stories u hav told me
i remember everythg
just tht u never realize
both of us nvr realize
we're on the wrong path
Hope ur dreams come true
Wateva on ur mind right now
hope it is a positive one
I wont go ur way anymore
coz m more a burden to u before
i love and like u unconditionally
i dont care bout ur money and ur past
i knw all bout ur past
i knw....
just tht m still shock that a guy like me
its 2 good 2 b true
I don't deserve you coz i hurt u so much and make u confused

Now i know when it comes to love 
nothing is right or wrong
it happens when u least expect it

oh well, let it flow...........
gonna find sum1 one day but wont find some1 like u...


Messed up

Everythg happn for a reason
i guess m finally free from u
but i wish i can hear one explaination frm u
is it coz i wan 2 end things btwn us or is it just u get bored of me
but now i know who change

I guess when u wan me back again..
i need a thousand of reason why u want me back
ur ego make us apart
tell me what do wanna hear from me
then i'll tell u
u said u love me b4 bt now not anymore
what the hell ur trying to do 2 me anyway
m not a doll or a barbie for ya to play
m just a girl who wants a guy to love just the way she is
u said u need time
i give u time
bt u give me zero
i said i need time 2 but u think the other way round
u wan me to trust u
but u never trust me
how can u ever gain a trust from me if u never trust me

What goes around, comes around

ur 2 kind 2 ur frens and every1 till u 4got wat u want in ur life
grow up please, not everythg can b paid with kindness or reward when ur kind 2 ppl
u might end up get urself hurt
when u get hurt
u blame others
please, u shud have blame on urself
ur older than me, u shud knw what u reli wan n think more mature than i do
but ur not
ur just like a kid to me

Grow up!!

I guess u laugh when i begged on u
when i say i wan 2 end everythg, i didnt meant
my heart very cold and tears fall from my eyes
but i cant move backwards coz nothing can change 
but hope one day u realize that i never want 2 make ur heart confused
sorry if i did
coz ur my 1st
but in the end u never understd
u said i never understd u but actually i do undrstd u
its u who messed and never realize that
m honest to u but when i c ur eyes
lies a thousand secrets in ur eyes
i know ur lies
but i never wan to know ur past
past is past
present is present
ur the one messed up
not me