Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Whats happening???

Gosh, whats happening?
I've no idea whats happening..
I dont think i turn into a bad girl..
No I'm not..
I'm still a normal one.. I guess
Somehow m wondering..
I try not to hated to her..
Please I didn't want too..
I don't want the same incident happening to me..
She's almost like the one I knew before..
It's true..
I can't change her..
No one can change her..
Unless she had the will to change herself..
Please I try not to dislike her..
Oh please..
Whats happening?
Any idea?
Dear readers
Is it normal for a girl to control every single thing she did..
Like when she sits, she sits soooo courteously/polite..
I mean EVERYTHING she did seems so CONTROL..
She cant even show the real her..
No this isn't a broadway to ya..
Just be urself..
Does it very hard for her to just be herself?
And act so polite and control in front of everyone else..
Be it when she eats, sits, talks, walks..
She don't even have her own interest..
I don't know how to explain but it's true..
When I want this, she also want the same thing I like..
When I have a crush on this guy, she also had a crush on the same guy..
Gosh, so obvious..
She didn't have the initiative to do things..
Like she rather ate instant noodles and biscuits..
Waiting for me and others to cook dishes and rice for her..argh.
I wish she just be herself and act normal like girls..
Somehow she never did..
She never to have this kinda girl talk before..
Sounds weird huh?
Oh well...

To be continue...

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