Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Monday, January 10, 2011

My wishes...

what's my 1st wish...hmmm

1st, I wanna go back and visit my frens in kl cheras..

2nd, I wanna go travelling to some of my fave places..

3rd, wanna be a good girl a.k.a be myself

4th, wanna learn how to say NO and study smart

5th, hope I'm not tempted easily

6th, try clubbing (at least once)

7th, learn to appreciate God's gift to me

8th, can I meet and get to know at least one guy this year (oh hope so)

9th, hope everyone around me are happy and always cheerful

10th, hope the world is in peace (i'll pray)

I don't know if this really is my wishes but from time to time, I know it's gonna change..haha and it's true. But I hope my wishes stay the same throughout the whole year. I hope all of it come true this year. Hope so.. 

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