Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Friday, December 31, 2010

AM I...

Having doubt..
Should I just remain as myself..
Or should I turn into a bad girl..
Or should i become two-faces girl..
Good at day, bad at night..
What it means..
I dont care anymore..
I'm tired of being a good girl for the past few years or maybe my entire life..
I wanna try something..
Try diff stuf..
Bad stuff..
Clubbing, alcohol and....
Can I be like one?
Yes I can...
I'm ready..
But in the mean time, I'm still deciding whether to be that kinda person..
I dont care what others think of me..
Let me be more selfish in 2011..
Let me a bad girl in 2011..
Let me try something new fun in 2011..
Let me learn to say NO in 2011..
Let me learn stop try to please someone in 2011..
Let me stop feelin guilty and sorry in 2011 if it's not my fault..
I wanna be someone I never become..
I wanna CHANGE to a something I NEVER try..
YES it's true..
You read it correctly..
I'm not kidding..
Once I've become bad, sure wont back to who I was before..
I can change myself to bad..
But i cant change myself to GOOD..
I'm tired of being good..
I'm gonna wait for one person to change me into a good girl...
N who will it be..
I dont know..
No one knows..
Including me..
Whether I for good or bad..
>Time can change everything.. WILL DO<

Bye bye 2010...

Bye bye 201o..
Gonna miss 2010..
hello 2011..
I'll do my best my 2011..
I dont know what might happens but hope it's a good thing i've expected.. ^^


sorry my dear...
I didn't meant to hurt you..
Was I feeling guilty or is it bcoz of our distance things change between..or gap.
What happen between us...makes me confused.
Let it be..
I dont wanna know..
Just cant..
Slowly I want u to forget me..
Thats for the best between us..
I never forget u..
Coz u will always remain in my heart..
Ur my dear fren..
u always be by my side..
But from time to time..
Things might change..
No one can expect things remain as it was..
But only hearts wont change..
Distance between us will always change..
We go diff roads..
Try diff ways..
Diff dreams..
Diff worlds..
But always remember..
Although we go diff paths or roads..
I will always think of u as my dear fren just like before..
Will always do..

I'm not sure whether u do read this..but if u really read this... i guess im not good to b ur fren anymore and yes i admit i change a lot since we're nt really close to each other like before..

SORRY my dear... U will always remain in my memories and in my heart..
U bring joy, laughter and warmth in my heart.. Thanx and sorry again to you.. :)))

Friday, December 10, 2010

Im gonna b fine...

Will I be fine right now..
I know I miss 'someone' at times..
Be it my family, frens or someone I like..
Would it be better if I didnt confess to him last time..
Just let it be..
I like him but I cant continue..
I've to move on and remain as his best fren..
We're best fren and I never wanna change the way it is..
Coz I love the way we are right now..
Even if we're together, I dont think we're meant to be more than best fren..
Whatever it is, he still make me wondering..
Wondering why he call me dear at times..
Is it a normal words to say to a best fren..
He will always be the person for me to ask for an advice most of d time..
Well, thanks for being by my side..
Thank you coz till now I realised I meet a fren I ever want..MAYBE..
Yes or no I still have to move on..
I'm happy enough to have a fren like them...
Lastly, from time to time, I promise myself, my feelings will fade away..
Always look on the bright side..
Whatever I may be..
Im always be remain the same person..
I wont change..
Feelings can change but it takes time and letting go fren takes time too..
Every road has it ends..
But it ends with a happy tears..
Tears represent joyfulness..
What more to say..
Ta-Ta.. :X

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life in Kuching...

Bubye KL, hello Kuching..
And hello to sem 2 also..
Sem 2 is harder than the first one..
Hope I can cope up..
I guess I can..
If everyone can do it, I can do it too... :)
Sure can..
Lastly, I miss all my frens there..
Miss them very much..
Frens, seniors.... >.<

I miss you....

Let me laugh for a while...
Just to release tension...
I wonder whats happening to me..
Somehow, I really really miss something right now...
Gosh, what's happening to me.. Arghh..

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Why can't I trust guys? Maybe cause I never try to trust them. Maybe. Sometimes, I'm afraid that I might get hurt by guys. BOYS! They love me cause of my physical appearance. Sure physical appearance can be used as someone's first impression but then I'm still thinking, will they love me cause of who I am after that? Maybe. The word 'maybe' always pops out in my head. A lot of question marks. 

The truth is, am I ready to be loved by someone? I always this kinda question to myself but I can't find the answer. How can I be able to find the answer? How? 

There's always a way...

Maybe cause I never love myself enough than it suppose to be. HAHA. Funny right? I'm not perfect at all. But I'm happy enough that I'm not perfect. No one is perfect in this world. Sure does. And everyone agree to this fact. AGREE!

Maybe one day I'm gonna meet him. Maybe. I think I've write down lotsa MAYBE words in this post. Phew... HAHA. 

My prince charming sure will appear one day and love me for who am I.. And yeah at least my prince charming does suit with me perfectly well. Hope so. Lets hope everything is fine in this world. Not only for my own needs but for everyone in this whole wide world. Get it? I'm pretty sure you get what I mean.

Simple and easy... That's me for sure ^^


Will someone love us back, if we love them?
Can people accept us as who we are, if we love them?
Is it easier for us to express our feelings, if we love them?
Can we forget them easily, if we 'still' love them?

But sometimes love can turn to hatred..
Love not always remain in our heart..
Love can fade away if we try so hard to move on..
Takes time for love to fade and to heal back..

When the wound heals..
There's a sunshine in our heart..
Even flowers can bloom and sun rises brightly (LOL)
But the most important thing is..
We learn to move on and always love ourself..

Our life full of loves..
We need to have faith in what we do..
Knowing God will always b by our side even though we stand alone..
Families and friends will lend their hands if we need someone..
The most important thing is..
LOVE can change everything in a blink of an eye.. ^^ 

No... So unfair...

Why? Coz I couldn't get to see U-kiss in SG.. So unfair. Can I just get to see them once in a lifetime.. IN REAL LIFE. Thats how it goes, life is unfair. We couldn't change the fact that nothing is easy in this world.. Right? Well I'm stuck here in KL, studying. HAHA. COOL enough huh? Pretty cool.

HOT right? LOL XD UKISS my fave koran group ^^

Thursday, October 21, 2010


mornin on 21st oct, i suddenly feet very excited but then my heart broke, i didnt see him today and yet i fail my maths test 2. I deserve it coz I didnt study at all.. I slept coz I'm not feelin very well that day. I've had a fever. Gosh, how can someone concentrate when he or she is not feelin well or havin a fever... right?? >.< Well then I have to focus on my final exam after this

Forget the pass and move on..

Just like one of lecturer remind us,
tomorrow is future

LOL ;p

Friday, September 17, 2010

Crazy Monkey?

Why I choose crazy monkey? I don't know. Maybe coz I like one of members from korean group. His nickname is Monkey. Actually I'm out of ideas. Trying to find a suitable nickname and end up choosing 'Crazy Monkey'. Oh well, I'm born in year of monkey anyway. Haha ;p

My First

Everyone must have experience everything for the first time..erm..what the hell am I talking about..blur*. Btw, this is my 1st blog. Haha. I've finally made upp my mind to create a blog but I'm not sure whether I can update it often enough but I try my best. As I have to focus on my studies more. Haha. ;D
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