Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No... So unfair...

Why? Coz I couldn't get to see U-kiss in SG.. So unfair. Can I just get to see them once in a lifetime.. IN REAL LIFE. Thats how it goes, life is unfair. We couldn't change the fact that nothing is easy in this world.. Right? Well I'm stuck here in KL, studying. HAHA. COOL enough huh? Pretty cool.

HOT right? LOL XD UKISS my fave koran group ^^

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