Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Friday, December 31, 2010

AM I...

Having doubt..
Should I just remain as myself..
Or should I turn into a bad girl..
Or should i become two-faces girl..
Good at day, bad at night..
What it means..
I dont care anymore..
I'm tired of being a good girl for the past few years or maybe my entire life..
I wanna try something..
Try diff stuf..
Bad stuff..
Clubbing, alcohol and....
Can I be like one?
Yes I can...
I'm ready..
But in the mean time, I'm still deciding whether to be that kinda person..
I dont care what others think of me..
Let me be more selfish in 2011..
Let me a bad girl in 2011..
Let me try something new fun in 2011..
Let me learn to say NO in 2011..
Let me learn stop try to please someone in 2011..
Let me stop feelin guilty and sorry in 2011 if it's not my fault..
I wanna be someone I never become..
I wanna CHANGE to a something I NEVER try..
YES it's true..
You read it correctly..
I'm not kidding..
Once I've become bad, sure wont back to who I was before..
I can change myself to bad..
But i cant change myself to GOOD..
I'm tired of being good..
I'm gonna wait for one person to change me into a good girl...
N who will it be..
I dont know..
No one knows..
Including me..
Whether I for good or bad..
>Time can change everything.. WILL DO<

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