Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Some people celebrate valentine's day with their love ones but me, yes i celebrate with the one i love, my besties. Haha. Last night valentine's day was the most craziest and memorable day for me. 
A lot of things happen. We go to k box aka karaoke box. Then we sing a lot of songs together. But the song I love the most, we sang together was STAND BY ME & LEMON TREE. Reggae baby yea! Sounds oldies but yea it's sure will be fun for everyone who wants to sing it in a fun way.

This has been a part one of our story. TQ! :)

Let's start our part 2 stories.

After we finished & stopped karaoke, we went out. Gosh cant imagine it's 11pm something. We were supposed to be at the hostel before 10pm. Sure does sounds crazy anyway. Haha. Oh, continue.. Then we went to one of the 24hours coffee shop nearby called EXPERT. There we saw ''shemales''. Yea yea, as usual. At first they serve us so damn good. Lastly they looked very fierce like a hungry lion. Uh-oh.

 I guess we better go to another coffee shop. If you were there I guess how felt like. We felt guilty because we stay there so long. But it's our rights anyway as a customers. They cant chase us away so easily. It will make things worse. So we 'proceed' to our next destination. Another 24hours  coffee shop. 

This has been a part two of our story, TQ! :)

Let's start our part 3 stories. 

I love part 3. LOL. Why? Because lots of stupid things happen. Maybe. Because I meet cute guys or maybe just what my frens describe about them, korean guys. They aren't korean guys, they are chinese anyway. Not only we meet korean guys, we meet lots of different people and each of the group we put a nick name. First of all, we call ourselves 4minute, represent 4 girls in one group. There's Cnblue, beast, supernova, and etc(korean group) ; JoBros, S club 7, WWF whatsoever (I've no idea). First the korean group sat next us. And one of them went to the washroom and on the way to the washroom, he accidentally hit something. Way the go. Oh no, suddenly i  couldn't hid my face and i laugh at him. Not a good sign. He knew I was laughing at  him. And he complaint to all of his frens. Upset at me because i'm laughing at him. Then my heart says, why do have to be so in control of your macho. HAHA. Then they talked and talked and talked and it got deeper till they were trying to interpret us girls. Thanks to one my chinese mix bidayuh fren. She's our main translator. Not really. We tend to be in our own world where both of us didn't notice they we're trying to say hi and speak to us. Then suddenly my stomach seems so painful, gosh what's happening. I keep on repeating the word, i wanna go and have a past motion. My fren annoyed by me and suddenly she blurts out the word why do keep on repeating past motion, past motion. 


Okay then I try to cool myself but i cant help myself anymore. What more to say. I just went to bathroom with my frens. And then again I went for the 2nd time again with another fren. Then when I'm back from washroom suddenly they said bye bye...okay bye bye i said. All the people there were looking at us. Hey people, what's the big deal about this?? Duh! But we're suppose to be up for a battle. Maybe a friendly match I guess. Ok ^^ the next story, S club 7 came and they are ok but not as fun as the korean group. They focus more on the football. My eyes become more and more tired, sleepy. 

The stupid where we were followed by JoBros. Ugh! We sneak into 7eleven just to cover ourself from them. 
Wait we havent going back yet. We go to the park and there we learn dance choreography for time to love korean song (TTL). Nice one! Haha we finally going back. Made it thru the security with our innocent face.

This was my valentine's day story. Something that I will never forget. It's not necessary we need to go out with boys or lover. It's not written in the rule book of valentine's. For me, it's better if everyday is the special for everyone. There's no different between valentine's day and ordinary day. 
Honestly I enjoy very much last night and i'm having a good goofy time. :) 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Relationship Cycle Predictably

Whether your dread or cheer, the weather always change. So, too, each season of your relationship takes a turn, repeating a cycle as a predictable as the weather. Why not transition thru times with ur eyes wide open and profit from each one? Sure you can have a favourite but u may as well find meaning and reason to celebrate in every day of the year. Remember when you first met your partner, and you couldn't get enough of each other? It was as though your fairy godmother had finally shown up. At last somebody recognised you in all of your glory and appreciated everything about u. Even your idiosyncrasies were endearing. That's the election of the ''expension and promise stage''. You open up to somebody who listens intently and affirms to u. U bring out the best in each other and bask in the enchantment. U both hope that the relationship will blossom, instead of fallin apart. U're trying to apply what u've learned in order to b better partners n that makes u a little vulnerable n a lot attractive. In this stage, a partner who tends to shy away from too much intimacy n connectedness is more comfortable gettin close n lingering. And a partner who tends to shy away from autonomy doesn't have much to shy away from, they're always together kissin or giggling.

Clinging, contract and settle
Neither partner is concerned into certain behaviours by negative expectations. They make promise if only implied that the relationship will continue to bliss. The realities of everyday life regain their attention though and inevi tably trigger the next stage, the ''CONTRACTION STAGE''. Maybe she starts to feel overwhelmed by a mounting of pile of work. Maybe he has to get back to weekly dinner with his mom. Usually one partner pulls back first n the other one reacts defensively- pouts, yells and begs. Initially, the ugliness can seem insignificant but with repitition, bad habits develop (or continue as the case may b) n partners can chronically bring out the worst in each other. It can b difficult to dig out of this stage, becoz both partners are likely to feel betrayed. The implied promise of happily ever after has been broken n they may go so far as to discount what they felt in the expansion n promise stage. It's important to remember that ur joy is just as real as ur anguish, ur dreams just as real as ur everyday responsibilities, bcoz then u can move on to the ''RESOLUTION STAGE'' with less struggle. 
During the resolution stage, u step back n gain perspective n move to friendly place. Stop fuelling anger n blame. And realise what the relationshop means to you. U have the presence of mind to work thru ur differences or at least try to put them behind u. Ideally u realise ur partner viewpoint is just as viable as urs n that u dont have to make him wrong in order to b right. And u stop personalising his behaviour. It's not about u only. Even if you've been stuck in the contraction stage, armed with new understanding, then u can find resolution n make ur way back to expansion n promises without resorting new relationship. On the other hand, if you're on the verge of suffocation, u can find autonomy, without becoming angry n defensive. U can allow each other some space in order to reconnect and even deepen ur intimacy. The cycle will repeat itself as long as u continue in the relationship but with a conscious awareness of both stages n what triggers them, u n a sweetheart r free to simply b urself in all of stages. U dont have to cling, contract or settle. Just be happy!

Being imperfect could save our life?

Constantly striving to live a faultless life increases your risk of a very imperfect outcome - early death..haha. Is this true? Experts specialising in perfectionism recently convened at an Association for Physiological Science Convention in Boston to present research looking at perfectionism and its effect on health, ranging from lost of self-esteem and resilience to increase stress and risk of death. It can interfere with effectively dealing in a crisis situation. Even though these impossibly high standards are self-imposed, the true perfectionists find it hard to relinquish the high self expectations of performance or to settle for more realistic standards even during times of severe emergencies requiring them to act fast. At the convention, researchers specialising in behaviour found that life expectancy rate reduced 51 percent in perfectionists when compared to non perfectionists. Other health ailments also been linked to perfectionism to binge eating, hoarding, anxiety, substance abuse and an increased risk of oxidative and nitrosative stress which cause cell damage and inflammation leading to a whole host of serious health problems.
(wow such a boring one, i skip reading this intro part, simply type it in just for more info and details..haha)


The good news is that not all perfectionists traits mean bad news. Some of experts bla bla bla...boring anyways..
Experts notes that once the drive for perfectionism is acquired, its not easily kicked. It's also important to note that if perfectionism is limited to one or two areas of your daily tasks, it could provide positive effects on self-esteem and self worth. However, it is deadly to aspire to be perfect in all areas of one's functioning. The key is to delegate responsibility to others for less important tasks that are time consuming.
True perfectionists are generally always unsatisfied with performance. The following are commonly deserved signs of perfectionism in an individuality. 
-show excessive concern about small, everyday tasks
-worries about others' approval
-frequently asks for extensions on deadlines
-worries excessively about being disappointment to others
-over time the trait can be identified by excessive levels of worry, depression and sense of failure, even if the person is talented and competent....