Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Love is just a question

Love is a question. Question to ask urself. What u want and u dont want. Sometimes people misunderstand love as a game cause love ever play games with them.

But this isn't the right way to treat a word call love. Love?

When you broke up with  someone, dont just go and love someone new if it's for the sake of forgetting ur ex! That isn't the right thing to do.

Don't be in a relationship just cause your lonely or single. Be in a relationship when you're ready for it. I know how it feels cause i've made this mistake before. The consequences, I hurt me and him.

It's best for us to enjoy single life and cherish the one who surrounds and love you for who you are. Am i right?

Be ready to let go of someone if you really loves him or her. Cause if you're meant to be, love will find it's way to you again.

♥ LOVE me LOVE you LOVE them LOVE us LOVE everyone  

Don't make me choose again, L.O.V.E

Am I okay? Or maybe am okay for now. 
Choosing is the hardest part of all. Do i have to choose A or B? Both have pros and cons. Somehow, I don't wanna hurt neither of them. 

What should i do? Am caught in the middle...hmm........


Monday, November 21, 2011

Sprinkle of pixies dust can give a little help

  Ever dream of waking up in a dreamland where everything you ever dream of seems to be come true.
I wish i woke up and end up in a world of a fairy tale. Full of fairies and pixies around me, Would it be very awesome right?

You wish, wish, wish and wish........

Nothing happens anyway....

Instead of WAITING for your dreams came true, lets MAKE our own dreams came true.

What's your dream? Dreams do come true if you make it real n true....

Dont sit back and relax do nothing about it...

Stand up and be yourself....

“You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream; you’ve got to get out there and make it happen for yourself.” by Diana Ross, American singer & actress

Saturday, November 19, 2011

me + my hair ♥

Pretty odds to cut my hair short...once again. When am tired of something, sure i'll do something with my hair. Anything to fix my hair. I supposed to fix my heart anyway.

That's how it my own perception and opinions.

Back to days when am young, i know nothing bout life and love.

I know it does exist but i don't know am gonna go through these stuff in future or now.

Experience seems to be something i need.

I gotta learn how to FFFLLLYYYY.... haha

Not fly... i need to know n understand myself

I do know  :)

Littlest things in life can be very precious

Appreciate everything in your life

Even if it's just visiting in your life for awhile

Cause everyone appears in your life, means something... ♥ ^^