Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Tanjung Aruuuuu..... :)

Somewhere in Sabah, 2nd day of chirstmas we're going to beach just to ease up our own mind
Relaxing day aite....& it's fun!

Strolling along the shore..... Ain't it fun rite? Clear sky, just few clouds

Fun around da beach, nice view of the sky. Actually it's just an edit version of sky. The original one, you probably see clear sky with few clouds. Kinda warm and breezy at da beach, especially because it's year end.

Small crab runnin around da beach!!! hahaha

The back of this view, i guess it's hotel or whatever it is....hehehehe

Chillin at the cafe, just for fun since we've stroll along da beach.... Guess what type of drink am holding right there? hehehehe.... BEER! C'mon, just fewww glassesss of beer enough for me to have fun and forget all the problems i've been through. Well at being a good girl here in Sabah. Teheee...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Away from our loved ones

Merry christmas!
This year christmas, sure is different from other year
Kinda lonely because we're away from home
But the feeling of loneliness can be fight if we stay together and make each other laugh
Oh well, there will always remain spirit of christmas left in our hearts
We're happy and joy to celebrate our birth of Jesus christ :)

Somewhere in 1Borneo :')

Tanjung Aru was fun though 

Last but not least, hate to know the fact that we miss kuching. Somehow, we're miles away from Kuching and do hope it's just a dream. When i woke up this morning, Christmas day, am still at the same place i was before...SABAH


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's for the best

I went away, i guess it's for the best. I guess I can't take it anymore. I thought that the 2nd time we're back together again, things keeps getting better. Anyway, things just passing by and simply gone. He don't deserve my love at all and I know someone else out there are the one for me.

Somehow i will always remember him anyway. He always blame me for leaving him all alone but actually he's the one leaving me 1st without saying anything. How it hurts to be treated that way.

I've nothing to say but hoping and wishing him best of luck. Hope he choose the best, not only for him but for Heidi too.... I'm too young to become a mummy i guess. I've a long way to go.

But i do know that one day i'll prove to him I can live without his love and am stronger than he could ever thought of. Going through all the hard and easy times, do taught me something. I've learn a lot but yea, i know i need to learn more. That's life. From time to time, there's a lot things and experience we're going through.

Just like how we grew up, become taller day by day till it's time to stop. That's life.

Now it's OVER OVER OVER..... :)