Sometimes, we must be hurt in order to grow. Simply because, some lessons are best learned through pain
Let's play a new game , it's called mind your own business and leave out of your drama
Now it's time for me to get ready for another adventure! Wish me luck n best of luck to you too my readers...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Stay or Move on?

Stay or move on? Love or hate? Revenge or forgive?

This kind of questions will always appear in everyone's mind, no doubt about this. Some people can answer this and some people don't. For me, it isn't easy as ABC. It takes long time for me to think about this. Feeling that you just can't let go. Especially for someone you love. Letting go takes time. Time is something important to everyone. 

What if you can't answer this question even if it takes ages for you to figure it out. I guess how long it might takes, you just to find the answer within you. There will always an answer to everything. It's up to you to accept it or not. Some people know the answers, but they can't accept it cause it hurts them so much till they can't accept it.

I still remember my 1st love, it's a special feeling that you just can't forget even it only last for awhile. I do admit i really miss those days when me and him together. But deep down within me says, me and him aren't meant to be together. It's just last for awhile. There's a reason why we brought up together and there's a reason why we're not meant to be last forever. It might be heart breaking to leave those past behind. Behind every stories, must have a wonderful and meaningful memories left behind. Even though, how much they hurts you, you know that those hurtful stories can be a lesson in the future for you to keep it within you and learn from it so that you won't repeat the same mistakes. 

Stay if you wanna make yourself hurts or you still have a way to solve the problems. Move on, if you really can't make it or you just enough of all those crazy stories of yours. Love for everyone deserves your love, for it's a precious gift, naturally from God. Hate, no hate, for it's going to destroy yourself and not only you, others too. Don't you get the feelings of someone being hate by everyone even though he or she never have the intention to hurt someone, mentally and physically. Revenge, it's not going to make your world and life a better one, Forgive, forgive others means forgiving yourself. Don't hold grudge on someone for it's not gonna make you happy. Maybe it makes you happy to see other people suffers begging for forgiveness from you since they have hurt you before but then it's useless for you to keep on hating hating and hating. Makes your hormone unstable! 

In the end, I move on, love and forgive!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What goes around, comes back around!! :)

Ever been fooled by someone? Ever been left unsaid by someone? If yes, never give up on what you have. It isn't an ending of your life anyways! You should be proud of yourself because you have gone through an ''experiences'' 

Every ''experiences'' you've gone through. It's worth your future. Learn from experiences. I do learn from my mistakes. My mistakes: put myself in a love trap n dealing with friend that is hypocrites! Somehow, you know they gonna hurt you. And it's easy when someone hurts you, you will end up with a wound and it takes to heal the wound. Remind this to yourself, ''Everybody makes mistakes and learn from mistakes''. Yes, i know, easier said than done. But when you keep reminding yourself this way, you probably will accept whatever happens around your life eventually.

When someone gone from your life, do know that someone better will come in your life one day. And do remember that your best friends and families will always on your back. Just enjoy your life while you still have time to enjoy. Smile as much as you can! :)

(to be continue)